Posts by Vatsalya Chaubey
Sunkit-Image: Final GSOC Report
- 24 August 2019
This project developed several image processing algorithms and manipulation routines for sunkit-image, an affiliated Python package of the Sunpy Project. The rigorous analysis of solar images is of paramount importance to the Heliophysics community as this can reveal more information on solar features and events, which in turn can affect the Earth. This project brought selected solar image processing algorithms under the umbrella of a new library.
Part 7: The End Arrives
- 19 August 2019
It has now been twelve weeks since I began this journey and finally, the curtains on this arduous and breathtaking adventure have been begun to fall. This week it will be last week as an official Google Summer of Code and this will be my final post as a student. I can feel the nostalgia gripping me.
Part 6: Reaching the Summit
- 05 August 2019
If I describe my journey through Google Summer of Code as an arduous mountain climbing adventure then finally I have reached a point from where the summitis within reach.
Part 5: The Second Evaluation Awaits
- 21 July 2019
The fifth part of the ongoing series of my blog posts on my experience in the Google Summer of Code. I am working with Sunpy on their solar image processing toolkit, Sunkit-image. As of now two months have already and it has been an enriching experience. The second evaluation is also just around the corner and I am very hopeful that I will be able to clear it.
Part 4: Weeks after the first evaluation
- 07 July 2019
This is part 4 of the ongoing series of my blog posts describing my journey as a Google Summer Of Code student working with Sunpy to develop Sunkit-image, an image processing toolbox for solar images.
Part 3: The Debugging
- 22 June 2019
This is part 3 of the ongoing series of my blog posts describing my journey as a Google Summer Of Code student working with Sunpy to develop Sunkit-image, an image processing toolbox for solar images.
Part 2: The Dive
- 09 June 2019
The Coding Period of the Google Summer of Code officially began on 27th May 2019 — for me, it was the day when the “Dive” into the realm of code began.
Part 1: The Community Bonding Period
- 26 May 2019
In this series of posts, I describe my journey as a Google Summer of Code student. These posts would mostly include my work during the weeks and the experience I gained from it. Such posts would come up every two weeks from now so stay tuned.
The Road To Google Summer Of Code
- 18 May 2019
We have been taught from our childhoods that nothing can be earned without toiling hard, to achieve something we need to sacrifice something. The same mantra applies to Google Summer of Code or as we fondly know it, GSOC.