Posted in 2018
Transition from datetime to astropy.time
- 20 October 2018
This blog post was written in a Jupyter notebook. Click here for an interactive version:
Modeling Coronal Loops in 3D with sunpy.coordinates
- 22 July 2018
The sunpy.coordinates module is a useful tool for expressing locations on the Sun in various coordinate systems. While most often used in the context of analyzing and manipulating observational data, we can also use this module to build three-dimensional models of loops in the corona.
SunPy 0.9 Released
- 24 April 2018
The SunPy project is very happy to announce the release of SunPy 0.9, the latest release of the SunPy core package.
NDCube 1.0 Released
- 25 February 2018
The SunPy project is very happy to announce the release of a new package “ndcube”.