Posts tagged IRISpy
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 3.2
- 18 August 2019
It is my pleasure to report that with my mentors’ assistance as well as my many hours of contributing to the sunpy/irispy GitHub repo, I have been able to reach all four goals original set out by the primary mentor Danny Ryan, which are as follows:
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 3.1
- 04 August 2019
Grateful to report that I have eventually solved the issues encountered as stated in blog post 2.2 in the series for my GSoC project… and most important of all with my mentors’ blessings I have successfully passed the 2nd coding phase. Moreover, I am delighted to report that my most significant contribution on GitHub thus far, which is the PR to enable time-dependent effective areas determination of IRISpy, has been merged about 6 days ago. More can be found about this PR at the link here.
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 2.2
- 21 July 2019
To follow up, the problem encountered as reported in edition 2.1 in this series has been resolved with the help of my very helpful and responsive mentors. But some lingering issues remain, which we suspect to be mostly indexing-related, as is apparent from the way the given IDL code is translated into Python. So now all four versions of IRIS response can be used to produce some get_iris_response function output. However, say for example version=4, I have been only able to successfully reproduce 3/4’s of the expected output as generated by the IDL version of the code. This is encouraging, as previously only half was the same as the target output. So the part of the IDL code that I am having some problems with is the following:
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 2.1
- 08 July 2019
Passed Phase 1 of GSoC. And I have just encountered my first roadblock in this project over the past few days, so now I am working hard on various approach to try and understand some IDL code snippets that does not translate well into Python without some more knowledge of the IDL INTERPOL function. (Source: harrisgeospatial) In IDL, this function takes in a maximum of four arguments: an input vector, the number of points in the result, the abscissa values for the input vector, and abscissa values for the result. In this way, the iris fit can be interpolated onto a new lambda grid readily. However, an exact equivalent does not exist in Python. The closest one we have opted to adopt is SciPy’s interpolate.interp1d function (Source: scipy). This method takes the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the input data, and interpolate some pattern from this, which means that to project to a grid an extra step is necessary. I have now modified the relevant code snippets of in my PR so that I have a functional line. But to project it to some very specific grid distinct from the input one will take extra checking, since I am iffy about my approach. Currently seeking input from my mentors to sort out the issue. Hopefully this roadblock will be cleared soon.
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 1.2
- 23 June 2019
Four weeks have passed since the commencement of the Coding Period on May 27th, 2019 (EST). Soon our 1st evaluation will come up, which in itself is an exciting time as we will be judged on whether we will be qualified to go on to the next round. In my opinion I have done most of what have been agreed between me and my mentors. Comparing to my peers my project probably is more manageable, as an IDL version of the code already exists which provides us with a source code from which a Python-translation is written. And, the level of the project is relatively easy, so that the concepts involved are pretty basic. In this blog post, I would like to discuss about a trinity of techniques I have developed as a rookie software developer to deal with issues arising during the implementation of some new function into the broader code base. For the most up-to-date status of the PR please head to link.
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 1.1
- 08 June 2019
It has been two weeks since the commencement of the coding phase… I can’t believe it, as it seems like time files. But to sum up the time that passed the following is a brief summary report for what tasks have been completed and what remains:
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 0.2
- 26 May 2019
Progress has been better than expected… Within the past few weeks, while continuing work on the main PR (which can be accessed via this link) on enabling a time-dependent effective areas determination in the “iris_tools” file, which contains some IRIS instrument tools, most of the previous difficulties of translating from the IDL programming language to the Python language have been identified and ironed out. In hindsight, for me the hardest part was to comprehend a computing language for which I have no direct access to (as I do not have in possession a valid IDL licence), but at the same time be able to gain enough insight through freely available online documentation to check the rough work put into place earlier in another PR. Through careful and systematic checking, I have been able to move ahead and implement the new function fit_iris_xput() as well as the get_iris_response() function in a pythonic way with some heavy dose of guidance from my mentors Dr. Dan Ryan and Dr. Laura Hayes well ahead of schedule.
GSoC 2019: Project IRISpy 0.1
- 15 May 2019
The community bonding period of this year’s GSoC is officially under way. The project I am embarking on has to do with adding a new feature to IRISpy, which is a essentially a package that is developed on top of SunPy’s NDCube package, and is written in the popular Python programming language. IRISpy itself (albeit not yet released) provides functionalities to read, manipulate, and visualize data collected with NASA’s IRIS satellite which looks at UV emission from the solar chromosphere. The proposed new feature is a time-dependent instrument response function, which will give scientists far greater power and ability to perform IRIS data analysis in Python, as well as to make new discoveries regarding the energetics and dynamics of the solar chromosphere and transition region than previously allowed. For more information on both the IRIS instrument and IRISpy, please take a look at the SunPy documentations for IRISpy.