Posted in 2015
SunPy Update - October 2015
- 01 October 2015
I wanted to keep people in the loop about what is happening in the SunPy project, so I thought I would start sending out monthy updates about things that have happened and things that are going to happen. This update might be a little longer than usual due to the fact it’s the first one, and I want to get everyone up to speed. Before I start I just wanted to introduce myself just in case any of you have had the fortune of not knowing. I am Stuart Mumford, I submitted my PhD thesis last week at the University of Sheffield. I am currently lead developer of the SunPy project (again) having taken over from Albert.
SunPy 0.6.1 Released
- 30 September 2015
Announcing the 0.6.1 “thesis submission” release of SunPy. This is a bug fix release and contains the following fixes to things that slipped past us into 0.6:
SunPy 0.6 Released
- 04 August 2015
I am very happy to tell you that the long in the works 0.6.0 release of the SunPy library has arrived. This release has been ‘in the oven’ for well over a year, and is full of rather major changes.
Info for the SunPy Tutorial at the TESS 2015
- 27 April 2015
Welcome TESS <>
attendees to the “Introduction to Solar Data Analysis in Python”!