2nd year of SunPy participating in GSOC#
Wonderful news for SunPy! This year is the 10th edition of Google Summer of Code, and SunPy is participating again for the second year in a row! Remember how awesome it was last year when we got two amazing students? Well, this year is going to be twice as awesome! Why? Because SunPy has gotten twice as many students than in 2013. Let’s introduce them and their projects:
Pritish Chakraborty (a.k.a. VaticanCameos) a Computer Science student from Haryana (India) will be working on giving SunPy a proper coordinate transformation system integrated with the developments in Astropy.
Rajul Srivastava (a.k.a. rajul), a science student working towards a major in chemistry in Kharagpur (India), is going to bring a GUI interface to SunPy. This GUI is going to be based in Ginga and the SunPy file database functionality.
Rishabh Sharma (a.k.a. gunner272), who is currently pursuing a Computer Science and Engineering degree at Hyderabad (India), will be working on refractoring the lightcurve module, making it more consistent with the way Map works at the moment. This project will also make use of Astropy development, in particular to the data tables module.
Last but not least, Asish Panda . Asish is doing a degree in electronics and telecommunications at Bhubaneswar (India). He will be working on the integration of Astropy’s Quantity objects into SunPy and work towards the replacement of the actual sunpy.wcs with the astropy.wcs .
Don’t forget to check the student’s blogs: Pritish , Rajul , Rishabh and Asish
to keep up to date with their progress during this summer and don’t be afraid to comment on their posts with words of support. Nevertheless, they will have also the opportunity to write some feature posts here to keep all of us updated.
Once more, this year GSOC would not have been possible without the help that the Python Software Foundation have given us, as we are participating under their umbrella. Thanks PSF! In particular their organizers Terri, Meflin and Florian.